Musical Formation


| Musical Formation

Halit Turgay started his music and flute education in 1978 at the age of 11 at the Istanbul Municipality Conservatory. He completed his undergraduate education in 1987 by graduating from the class of Japanese flutist Sadako Özistek.


Turgay, who was admitted to the Royal Academy of Music London without an entrance exam in 1990, continued his education in England as a student of William Bennett with the Genius Children’s Scholarship given by the British Cultural Council. Here, he attended the flute and piccolo courses of many masters such as Charles Dagnino, Peter Lloyd, Alan Lockwood and Keight Bragg.


In 1993, the flutist completed his master’s degree with his thesis titled Advanced Techniques in Tone Development; in 2002, he completed his Proficiency in Art program at Istanbul University State Conservatory with his thesis titled The Importance of Understanding the Technical Dimension in the Solution of the Nuance Problem in Terms of Flute Education.[1]

[1] The theses are written in Turkish and are only accessible from the Istanbul University State Conservatory Library.


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